
The self-made mythology about The309 continues to perpetuate.

Over the past few years, as the Unit Manager of a team of creative audio and video professionals, and particularly when “life went online” …and has pretty much stayed online for some; I’ve needed to lead by example with the overall quality of my own a/v presence in meetings and webinars. After going to a number of laughable extremes, with multiple camera angles and video streams in my Zoom meetings… it may have slipped over into my home studio…the booth.

After several months without a blog post, and I’m writing about zoom cameras?

It’s April 2022, and so much has changed in the world since my last post over 4 months ago, where I was applying for entry into New Zealand; Unsuccessful;
Covid19 Delta – then Omicron has gone rampant across the globe… which lead to the governments giving up on tracking / easing restrictions / opening borders / dropping mandates etc.; challenges maintaining business operation while staff become infected; changes and challenges.

If and when am I able to take the long delayed sabbatical?

What’s happening with my ever changing role with the University?

Is the business in NZ in any position to take me on, with the current projected financial affects of Covid?

What’s been happening with my VoiceOver career?

I also took on a significant fitness challenge in this time, yet another story.

All due for answers another day… suffice to say, it continues to be a time of change.

In recent weeks, I have been continuing the ever changing configuration in my vocal booth. To assist the ageing eyes, I have added a large second-screen for the laptop; I’ve added some warmth to the Sennheiser 416 with a Joe Meek mic pre;
using an old iPhone as a second camera, OBS and some extra lighting – I’ve improved my zoom/Teams presence.
I also added a couple of props, including a functioning on channel 2 – ribbon mic, CFM signage and studio signage.

Introducing, The309.Studio …also, now with its own direct email address too …all part of my plan to build on the myth.

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