
  • puoro

    This topic has been rattling around in my head for weeks, then I received an email from a new friend, which simply pushed me to write. While contemplating words on a page, this just comes on the radio…“..clap along if you feel happiness is the truth…” Bingo, there’s the crux of what I’m feeling.Music brings…

  • … connections

    … connections

    When I first started working in New Zealand; I really needed to understand WHERE I was working. I researched local history, and kept researching; the well is deep, so to speak. My curiosity about this place and it’s people has been insatiable… It seems like I’ve been searching for a place to stand.

  • The309.Studio


    In recent weeks, I have been continuing the ever changing configuration in my vocal booth. Introducing, The309.Studio…all part of my plan to build on the myth.