vegan ice-cream cakes


  • 350 gram Raw cashews
  • 1 tbs Coconut Oil
  • 20 mil Vanilla paste/essence or variation
  • 80 mil Maple syrup
  • 1 tbs Mesquite powder (alternative less flavour impact – Lucuma Powder)
  • 400 mil MYLK (nut/rice/coconut milk blend – quite creamy)

method: blend/grind cashews as fine as possible – set aside. add coconut oil, vanilla, maple syrup, mesquite and some MYLK, start blending gently.  continue to add MYLK and blending until all liquid has been added.  blend until smooth.  pour into silicon form.

alternative: when making Mango version:  a cup of mango and 300 mil MYLK.  ie:  reduce liquid to match fruit/flavour addition.